Analytisch en synthetisch denken

Analytical and Synthetic Thinking

Learn to analyse and synthesise

Analytical thinking helps you dissect and understand complex problems, while synthetic thinking helps you combine different ideas and sources of information and design new solutions. By combining these two skills, you are better able to come up with creative and effective solutions to complex problems and challenges.

In this two-day course, we will explore what analytical and synthetic thinking are, how to develop these skills and how to apply them in different situations and professions. We will also cover the importance of critical thinking, creative thinking and communication skills when using analytical and synthetic thinking. It promises to be an interactive and engaging course, full of exercises and case studies to help you put these skills into practice.

Learning objectives

  1. Understand what analytical thinking and synthetic thinking are, their characteristics and applications in different professions and industries.
  2. Develop analytical thinking skills, such as identifying problems, dissecting complex information and formulating solutions.
  3. Develop synthetic thinking skills, such as combining different ideas and sources of information, designing new solutions and concepts.
  4. Improve critical thinking and creative thinking skills, which are essential for analytical and synthetic thinking.
  5. Understand the importance of communication skills when presenting ideas and solutions arising from analytical and synthetic thinking.
  6. Develop problem-solving and decision-making strategies using analytical and synthetic thinking.
  7. Understand the importance of technology in supporting analytical and synthetic thinking.
  8. Apply analytical and synthetic thinking to practical situations through exercises and case studies.

By achieving these learning objectives, participants will be able to improve their analytical and synthetic thinking skills and apply these skills in their daily work.


Module 1: Introduction to analytical thinking (Half-day 1)

  • Definition and characteristics of analytical thinking
  • Analytical thinking skills: identifying problems, parsing complex information and formulating solutions
  • Examples of the use of analytical thinking in different professions and industries
  • Exercises to put analytical thinking into practice

Module 2: Applications of analytical thinking (Half-day 1)

  • The importance of critical thinking in analytical thinking
  • The importance of communication skills when presenting ideas and solutions arising from analytical thinking
  • Strategies for problem solving and decision making using analytical thinking
  • Case studies to put analytical thinking into practice

Module 3: Introduction to synthetic thinking (Half-day 2)

  • Definition and characteristics of synthetic thinking
  • Synthetic thinking skills: combining different ideas and sources of information, designing new solutions and concepts
  • Examples of the use of synthetic thinking in different professions and industries
  • Exercises to put synthetic thinking into practice

Module 4: Applications of synthetic thinking (Half-day 2)

  • The importance of creative thinking in synthetic thinking
  • The importance of communication skills when presenting ideas and solutions arising from synthetic thinking
  • Strategies for problem solving and decision making using synthetic thinking
  • Case studies to put synthetic thinking into practice

Experiential Learning at The House of Coaching

The House of Coaching stands for experiential learning. As a participant, you continuously engage with theory through practical, experiential exercises that teach you to apply your skills in real situations. We facilitate the learning process through maximum interaction and sharing of experiences. That's learning that really sticks!

Analytical and synthetic thinking for your team

Are you an HR officer, L&D manager, supervisor or business leader facing significant change? Then get in touch to organise this workshop for your team.

Analytical and Synthetic Thinking

Would you like to develop these 21st Century Skills for your people, team or organisation? 
Then get in touch with us and we'll work out a programme together!

Program category
Program type
Program languages
Number of modules
Number of participants
6 - 12