Mindscaping Coaching-sessie
Mindscaping Coaching-sessie

Mindscaping Coaching-sessie

Discover the dissolving power of your creative unconscious mind

What is Mindscaping?

Mindscaping® is a guided visualisation developed as a coaching process by renowned hypnotherapist Mike Mandel.

During the Mindscaping® exercise, the brain's limbic system is stimulated, replacing limiting conditionings with more empowering ones.

Under the guidance of a certified Mindscaping® Coach, profound positive changes can be created quickly and easily.


Mindscaping® can also be done online, via Facetime, Skype or other web conferencing apps

Where does Mindscaping® make a difference?

Classical coaching is based on the therapeutic approach. You recognise that approach by a multitude of conversations, which mainly focus on your current situation, goals and feedback on how you are handling things.

Mindscaping® is 'content-free'. So no content is discussed and that makes for a particularly safe space.

The Mindscaping® coach makes full use of the coachee's problem-solving abilities. The guided visualisation uses techniques that activate the limbic system of the brain. A 'dream', as it were, is created through which the brain processes emotional and mental stimuli, resolves them and replaces them with constructive and positive patterns.

Certified Mindscaping® Coaches

Our certified Mindscaping® Coaches integrate various science-based principles and practices that have proven their efficacy in practice.


Severe emotions such as stress, fear, anger, sadness or doubt can feel very obstructive or blocking.

The limbic system is also the emotional centre of the brain. Using Mindscaping® techniques, we replace the patterns that were unconsciously conditioned with new, positive patterns.


"I can't..., I shouldn't..., I should do better..." These and other limiting beliefs are responsible for fretting, negative self-image, lack of self-confidence.

Using Mindscaping® techniques, we activate the creative mind to adopt empowering beliefs.


Good intentions but no actions? Often this has to do with unconscious barriers.

A Mindscaping® visualisation exercise is particularly similar to guided dreaming. We activate the creative ability to create a path from the unconscious to desired outcomes.

How do I book my coaching session?

Once you have paid, you get access to our online booking tool. There you can see which coach is available in the coming weeks. Indicate your preferred date and you will immediately receive a confirmation e-mail and an invitation that you can place in your digital calendar.

How do I pay?

You can easily pay online via your credit card. If you wish, you can also pay by invoice via bank transfer. Your coaching can be scheduled once payment has been registered.

In what way can I ascertain quality?

For that, you can check out our podcast, the (free) online training sessions, our YouTube channel and our various publications. You can also always 'drop by' at a Brain Pirates Parley. That way you can get to know our coaches and our expertise.