Skill Sprint - State Management
Skill Sprint - State Management

Skill Sprint - State Management

Put on your own oxygen mask first, before helping someone else

In today's dynamic world, many professionals struggle with effectively managing their emotions and behaviour in different situations. These challenges can lead to reduced productivity, miscommunication and lower job satisfaction.

Without the right tools and techniques, it can be difficult to recognise and regulate your own state of being. This can affect your personal effectiveness, relationships with colleagues and even your career prospects.

The sprint skill session on State Management and Egostate Management offers practical techniques and insights to improve your emotional intelligence, manage your reactions and promote a positive work atmosphere.


  1. Introduction to State Management: Understanding how emotions and behaviour affect our work.
  2. Basics of Egostate Management: Identify and understand different ego states.
  3. Self-regulation techniques: Practical exercises for managing your emotions and behaviour.
  4. Applying Egostate Management in the workplace: Real-life scenarios and case studies.
  5. Interactive Q&A session for personal insights and advice.

Unique Learning Approach from 'The House of Coaching':

  • Hands-on approach with interactive exercises.
  • Personalised feedback and guidance from experienced coach.
  • Application of science-based techniques in realistic work situations.

'Leadership & Talent Empowerment Month':

  • Focus on strengthening leadership qualities through effective state management.
  • Discovering hidden talents through better understanding of personal ego states.

Do you want to strengthen control over your emotions and behaviour? Register now for our State Management and Egostate Management sprint skill session and discover how to maximise your professional potential. Places are limited, so don't wait any longer!

Program type
Event type
Event language(s)
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Start date(s)
Time open
09:00 am
Time start
09:00 am
Time end
10:30 am
Price (excl. VAT)
Price (incl. VAT)