Overwin je beperkende overtuigingen
Limiting beliefs

Every one of us carries an invisible backpack. Inside this backpack are our thoughts and beliefs. But sometimes, there are heavy rocks in it. These rocks are like limiting beliefs - they are thoughts that tell us we can't do something. Limited beliefs are sneaky. They whisper things like, "You can't speak in public it's too hard." 

These beliefs make our backpack feel heavy and our adventures less fun. We can take these rocks out of our backpack! When we do, we feel lighter and ready to explore more.

The first step to removing these rocks is to talk about them.  

Trying new things is like a secret key to adventure. When we try, we learn can do more than we thought. Maybe we can learn to speech voor een publiek.

Every time we do something we thought was hard, it's a victory. We should celebrate these wins.

One magic word to help us is "yet." Instead of saying, "I can't do this," we say, "I can't do this yet." This small word has big power. Remember, our minds are like muscles. The more we practice thinking "I can," the stronger they get.

Each time you change a "can't" into a "can," you're taking a rock out of your backpack. You're filling it with balloons that make your journey fun and light. So next time you think you can't do something, remember you haven't learned it yet. Keep trying, and soon you'll be able to do it.

"Karl Mortier is a Certified NLP Master Trainer and Facilitator, specialized in and passionate about visualization in his interventions in coaching, training, and facilitating.

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